Friday, January 30, 2009

Semester Project: Still Pushing

After Thursday night, as well as some commentary from my previous experimentation, I feel more of a direction to go with the logo, type wise. I will play with the illustrations tonight and have some posts for tomorrow.

I was asked to showcase what "indie" will look like with the rest of the title "Coffee & Books". I tried working with the original title, and after a while, I wanted to see what it looked like spelled "Coffee And Books". I don't know if that is okay for me to change that part of the title, but I wanted to see how it would look. I really wanted to see if this would make the design better...and just maybe understand why it was not considered in the first place.

I was hoping to have the typeface be a condensed look for "Coffee & Books", with the standard typefaces already. I was not able to really find that many condensed candidates; however, I found others that looked interesting to go with "indie" as a full, fleshed out design. So here are my options:

I wanted to see which will look better, having it uppercase to bring contrast to the lowercase "indie", or make it all lowercase. And I admit, it is becoming hard right now to decide which direction to go. Not to mention the size relationship between the two elements, rather to let indie stay bigger and spread over "Coffee & Books" or not.

Any comments, suggestions, or advice are welcome. I am still pushing and experimenting before I make my final decision in the next few days.


  1. hey dude, it was good seeing ya today in the digital aquarium. from the sketches you showed me i think you are heading in a nice direction. we just got to remember to breathe haha.

  2. As far as the type goes I really like the one that you chose for indie. My I think that the skia font looks the best with the indie font you have chosen and the middle txt size looks the best to me. cant wait to see what else you have come up with. def a good direction :)

    oh and I like the & is better than and. :)

  3. oh and i was talking about the lower case.. :)

  4. I just took a look at some of your logos, and I really, really like what you did with the coffee beans... I'm not sure how that would look digitally however with trying to retain all that texture in a vector file. I expecially like the second one posted here:

    However Stan may have given you a different opinion on this.

    The new logo is decent, but I don't think it shows enough uniqueness or your qualities as an illustrator. I'm guessing that's a hand drawn version of Cooper Black for the "indie" part of the logo... I used Cooper Black light on one of my branding projects and soon realized how common that typeface is... I dare you to drive around for 15 minutes and not see that typeface on a sign somewhere.

    Anyway, if you plan to go with that type, I'm guessing you can make it look a little more unique, sketchy, or textured... something to make it stand out a little more. Right now, unless you're up close, I can barely tell it's not the standard typeface. I'm not sure if you're planning on illustrating a logomark or something to go with this, but a logomark could also totally change the feeling of this logo. Lastly, don't use an illustrative typeface for "coffee and books".. the "indie" part is illustrative enough... post what else you come up with...
