Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sketches on Thelonious

Some sketches I'm thinking of for the CD project in Pop Culture class. I'm still trying to get used to the whole abstract thing well as trying to incorporate some other elements to it to make it interesting for this day and age. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. :)


  1. whoar, love love love these. really digging the solid black form of the pianist against the back ground. that also works really well with the black keys as a design thing. is the final artwork up anywhere?

    p.s this is aeon from deviantART and i am totally not stalking your art across the internet.

  2. Hey, how are ya?! :D I don't know, seems like art stalkin' to me. LOL :) Nah just messin.

    I'm glad you like the look and everything. And yes, the final artwork is on the Net: The project was nice, I loved the final result overall. :) Hope you do as well.

    Hope all is well with you in the UK! :)

  3. ah! thanks for the link. it looks even tighter with the inks and all the images synch really well. god damn, i would love to do some CD sleeves...

    pop culture class? oh my god, that sounds like waaay too much fun.

  4. You're welcome! :)

    Eh...the class could've wasn't up to my standards as a fun class honestly...the fun class was Film/TV, where we used After Effects, and when I had that project for Barbershop Kinetic Typography. Now that was fun! :)
