Tuesday, October 20, 2009

While Searching the Net...

I found this quote about font: "Font choice is not the most import­ant decision you make when design­ing with type."

The quote came from the website I stumbled upon called Typophile. Another typeface forum site to take a peek! :)

Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

  1. ummm Tres i am going to give you a little bit of slack here cause being a "motion" guy i doubt that you know about the inter working of type debate but that is only 50% of the argument the other 50% would argue that font choice is the MOST important choice when designing with it. Just ask some of your post modernism buddy's (David Carson especially) and i assure you that they will not agree with this quote very much. Also while i'm at it why don't you ask the psycadellic poster people what they think of this...i think you see my point.
